7 Steps to SAT Math Success
This is Dr. Steve's roadmap to SAT math success. Follow these step with no more than 10 - 20 minutes of daily studying for a maximum of 4 months to and you will get the SAT math score you want to get into your first choice college.
Begin with your last actual PSAT or SAT math score. If you don't have a score, take an SAT from the College Board's Official Study Guide under timed conditions to get your math score (you do not need to review the answers at this time).
Begin with the appropriate level of "28 SAT Math Lessons to Improve Your Score in One Month." If your score is below 500 use the Beginner Course. If your score is between 500 and 600 use the Intermediate Course. If your score is over 600, use the Advanced Course. If your score is over 600, but you see that you are getting several Level 1, 2, or 3 questions wrong, you should begin with the Intermediate Course.
After completing the 28 Lessons book, take an SAT from the College Board's Official Study Guide under timed conditions to get your new math score. Use "SAT Prep Official Study Guide Math Companion" to compare the solutions in there to yours.
If your score has gone to the next score range, then begin using the next "28 SAT Math Lessons" book in the series. For example, if your previous score was a 450, and your new score is a 550, you can now move up from the Beginner Course to the Intermediate course. If your score is still in the same range, use "320 SAT Math Problems to Improve Your Score in One Month" to get past your sticking point. For example, if your previous score was a 300, and your new score is a 400, then you probably still need practice with Level 1 and 2 problems. Practice these problems from the 320 Problems book for a few more weeks, then take another SAT from the College Board's Official Study Guide under timed conditions to get your new math score. Use "SAT Prep Official Study Guide Math Companion" to compare your solutions to those in the test you completed.
If you have completed the Advanced 28 Lessons book and would like additional practice, use "320 SAT Math Problems to Improve Your Score in One Month." Focus on the Level 4 and 5 problems from this book.
Finally, read "The 32 Most Effective SAT Math Strategies" to review each of my strategies one by one and practice applying them to a wide range of SAT Math Problems.
Take another practice test from the College Board's Official Study Guide under timed conditions to get your new math score. Use "SAT Prep Official Study Guide Math Companion" to compare the solutions in there to yours.
Take the SAT for real and let me know of your success!
Below is a flow chart that details, in graphical form, the process of the the 7 Steps to SAT Math Success.
For even more details, please see the correct way to prepare for the SAT.